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Musical Education



Cat studied turntablism under the instruction of Vancouver's very own DJ Relik at Tabletutors DJ Academy in Burnaby, BC. With mentors like DJ Relik, DJ Maiyah, DJ Ozah and more, she not only learned how to DJ but about the culture and traditions of hiphop and the DJ world. She is passionate about bringing the community together through collaborative music and cross-genre sounds.


DJ-Mello Cat DJing at Table Fest 2021

Cat performing at the Interharmony Music Festival in Acqui Terme, Italy


Cat studied violin privately from the age of five. She has more than fifteen years of private lessons with multiple teachers. Her first teacher conducted the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra, her second teacher was a member of the St. Louis, Toronto, and Boston Symphony Orchestras, and her third teacher studied under Professor Klimov, a student of David Oistrakh.


She also has thirteen years of orchestral experience at the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra, McMaster Symphony Orchestra, the University of British Columbia Symphony Orchestra, as well as classical chamber ensemble experience. She has completed Advanced Rudiments, Harmony, and History RCM exams.



She has been featured in the world-class soloist and former Berlin Philharmonic concertmaster Guy Braunstein's Outstanding Performance Masterclass and has played in an orchestra alongside him at the Interharmony Music Festival in Acqui Terme, Italy. She is currently attending the University of British Columbia School of Music for a Bachelor of Music specializing in Violin Performance.






Cat with Guy Braunstein in Acqui Terme, Italy

At the age of three, Cat learned piano. Although violin has always been her main instrument, she continued with private lessons and studies piano as a supplement to her undergrad in Violin Performance. She loves romantic music and maintaining her Debussy repertoire. Additionally, Cat enjoys singing and exploring different styles on classical, acoustic and electric guitar.

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